Navigate life’s decisions and obstacles with principled beliefs in values-based leadership.

In the Values-Based Leadership Certificate, learners will practice making decisions that align with their per­son­al val­ues and ethics through gaining skills and knowledge to man­age self while grow­ing in their capac­i­ty to be resilient and ver­sa­tile in com­plex and chal­leng­ing sit­u­a­tions through learning strate­gies to live a well-balanced life.

What is Values-Based Leadership?

The Values-Based Leadership is where values-based decision making comes to life. It is an experiential leadership where learners tackle relevant and challenging topics from relationships, substances and diversity to living well. Moreover, learn­ers will be equipped with a val­ues-based deci­sion mak­ing model, helping them learn what it means to be an eth­i­cal leader. 

Certificate Outcomes

Upon completion of this certificate, students will be able to:

  1. Articulate a clear understanding of the definition and framework of values-based leadership.
  2. Apply a Values-Based Decision Making model to everyday situations and issues.
  3. Analyze the influence of personal biases, beliefs, and ethics on decision making.
  4. Develop a positive brand on social media that aligns with personal mission, purpose and values.
  5. Integrate research-based practices that lead to holistic and healthy living.
  6. Evaluate the ways in which individuals contribute to healthy or unhealthy culture. 

Certificate Logistics:

The Values-Based Leadership Certificate is 20 clock hours of in-person learning developed for teams of various sizes. The 20-clock hours can be completed over a long weekend or a few months. 

Courses Addressing This Challenge

  • Introduction to Values-Based Leadership

  • Living Well

  • Friendship Within The Organization

  • Ethical Leadership

  • Articulating the Value-Add of Values-Based Leadership

Participants report the following key findings of how the Values-Based Leadership Certificate has impacted them.

Real results, real numbers

  • 93%

    have a strong sense of how their values can guide them when making difficult decisions.
  • 95%

    could easily explain to someone what ethical leadership means.
  • 100%

    reported that the values-based leadership certificate has been helpful or very helpful to their professional success.
  • 92%

    reported that the Values-Based Leadership Curriculum has been helpful or very helpful to their personal success.

Client Story

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I appreciated the topics on leadership ethics, and the applications to case studies were extremely useful in actually applying our thoughts to situations that may not have a right answer.”

Values-Based Leadership Participant