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    …With the goal of lead­er­ship devel­op­ment hav­ing a stronger pres­ence through­out our pro­gram, we lis­tened to an Acorn pre­sen­ta­tion and decid­ed to form a part­ner­ship. The feed­back from the first class to grad­u­ate with this spe­cif­ic lead­er­ship cer­ti­fi­ca­tion has been bet­ter than we could have imag­ined. Our grad­u­ates feel more equipped to nav­i­gate the waters of serv­ing and lead­ing their com­mu­ni­ties, their work­places, and their fam­i­lies as a result of this pro­gram’s teach­ing and guid­ance. Not only do they know where they need to make a deep­er impact in their con­texts, they know how to make a more last­ing impact…”

    Desnéige VanCleve

    President, Leadership Sumner 2022-23


    For me, review­ing my strengths and cru­cibles helped me find my role in life. I have a unique set of skills that I can apply in my hopes for a career in law, and I can now see my hard cru­cibles as tests that have forged me into the per­son I am today.”

    Authentic Leadership Participant


    The aspects of pro­fes­sion­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion that were empha­sized in this course will help me in the busi­ness world and in my career. I took a course called Busi­ness Com­mu­ni­ca­tion at uni­ver­si­ty that was very sim­i­lar to this one.”

    Distance Leadership Participant

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    [Our Facil­i­ta­tor] kept up an ener­gy lev­el that I per­son­al­ly could­n’t have man­aged. She also encour­aged us to meet her at that stan­dard with­out being cal­lous to our needs. She was very per­son­able and easy to get along with.”

    Leadership journey Participant


    The Acorn Lead­er­ship train­ing pro­vides won­der­ful insight about four styles of lead­er­ship in a sim­ple yet thor­ough and engag­ing for­mat. Not only did I gain new insights about myself as a leader, but our learn­ing group of twen­ty-five indi­vid­u­als received a com­mon lan­guage to bet­ter under­stand one anoth­er. My biggest take­away was see­ing how any­one can be an effec­tive leader by devel­op­ing what Acorn has defined as ver­sa­til­i­ty.” Our leader, Jim, was not only extreme­ly knowl­edge­able but also high­ly engag­ing, bring­ing his real-life expe­ri­ences with humor and ener­gy. This pro­gram will help even the most sea­soned leader become more self-aware while increas­ing effec­tive­ness when work­ing in a group setting.”

    Katherine Louw

    Executive Director, Carolyn Smith Foundation

I real­ly liked SOCIAL STYLE and the ways to have bet­ter con­ver­sa­tions — like the reac­tive men­tor­ing con­ver­sa­tion and the feed­back com­pass guide.”

Servant Leadership Participant

[Ser­vant Lead­er­ship] was incred­i­ble. I have done lots of per­son­al­i­ty” train­ings and assess­ments relat­ing to lead­er­ship. This was life-chang­ing for me.”

Servant Leadership Participant

I just loved the Strengths Builder. It made a lot of sense to me to work on my unique talents.”

Authentic Leadership Participant

Schools should be rec­om­mend­ing and even man­dat­ing cours­es like Dis­tance Lead­er­ship, as cours­es like these are what actu­al­ly apply in real life situations.”

Distance Leadership Participant

The instruc­tor want­ed us to keep div­ing deep­er until we had a full under­stand­ing of the les­son. The instruc­tor made it fun and inter­ac­tive for us all.”

Authentic Leadership Participant

I think the case stud­ies were instru­men­tal in apply­ing the val­ues-based deci­sion-mak­ing mod­els that we learned to a real-world situation.”

Values-Based Leadership Participant

At Acorn, we believe data tells a story.

Course par­tic­i­pants have report­ed the con­cepts they have learned through our dif­fer­ent offer­ings have enhanced their skills. 

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