In the Authentic Leadership Certificate, participants will learn how to develop as authentic leaders who apply their core values to everyday situations, actions and decisions. Gaining a deeper understanding of themselves through the CliftonStrengths assessment, they will discover the power of a strengths-based approach to personal and professional development. By exercising their natural talents, participants will develop their strengths as they build integrated lives based on the principles of authentic leadership.

What is Authentic Leadership?

The Authentic Leadership Certificate is an immersive, experiential leadership course. Learners will take the Clifton Strengths Assessment and uncover the values of a strengths-based approach to personal development as they learn to live and lead in alignment with their True North. Through Bill George’s book Discover Your True North: Emerging Leaders Edition, learners will also enhance their understanding of authentic leadership.

Certificate Outcomes:

Upon completion of this certificate, students will be able to:

  1. Articulate a clear understanding of the definition and framework of Authentic Leadership.
  2. Assess the intersection between individual purpose and the ability to create positive change.
  3. Employ decision-making skills that align with personal values and goals.
  4. Evaluate strengths and growth opportunities in relation to the main elements of
    emotional intelligence.
  5. Identify the various ways gender impacts Authentic Leadership.
  6. Discern the alignment between individual talent and the various leadership roles within the community.

Certificate Logistics:

The Authentic Leadership Certificate is 20 clock hours of in-person learning developed for teams of various sizes. The 20-clock hours can be completed over a long weekend or a few months. 

Courses Addressing This Challenge

  • Introduction to True North Leadership

  • Strengths-Based Development

  • Discovering Your True North

  • The Authentic You

  • Articulating the Value-Add of Authentic Leadership

Participants report the following key finding related to how the Authentic Leadership Certificate has impacted them.

Tangible results, real numbers

  • 91%

    believe defining and describing crucibles, personal stories and reframing will be helpful or very helpful for leadership roles.
  • 94%

    believe creating a personal support team will be helpful as they enhance their self-awareness of leadership potential.
  • 75%

    reported that the Authentic Leadership curriculum has been helpful or very helpful to their professional success.
  • 100%

    reported that the Authentic Leadership curriculum has been helpful or very helpful to their personal success.

Client Story

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I thought the most useful element of the course curriculum was the emphasis on learning about the authentic self and becoming more self-aware. We can only fully lead others when we are able to truly lead ourselves.”

Authentic Leadership Participant